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Software Updates


“Embroidery Tool Shed” Version 24.40 (04/05/2024)


Click here for the latest update information and the history.

What you will find in this update:

Bug Fix for Mac Printing

In this new version we fixed the bug with “MacOS Sonoma” dealing with printing. We are now able to print with version ETS 24.40 when using version 6 of Dime Translator.

All that needs to be done is, install the latest version of ETS. If you’re using ETS on the Mac, the software will look at what version of the “Dime Translator” you’re using. If you’re using a version below version 6, ETS will alert you to download the Dime Translator.

If you would like to download it before installing ETS

Dime Translator Version 6 (Macintosh Utility)